New series calls for manuscripts

New series calls for manuscripts

Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES)

Editorial Board

Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna
Francesco Privitera, University of Bologna

Associate editor:
Marco Puleri, University of Bologna

Editorial assistants:
Marco Zoppi, University of Bologna
Silvia Cittadini, University of Bologna

International Advisory Board:

Rytis Bulota, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (Lithuania)
Aldo Ferrari, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice (Italy)
Jaroslaw Janczak, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder (Germany)
Nyusztay László, Budapest Business School (Hungary)
Darina Malová, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Mikhail Minakov, Kennan Institute at the W. Wilson International Centre for Scholars (Washington D.C., USA)
Evgeny Mironov, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia)
Nicolai Petro, University of Rhode Island (Kingston, USA)
Stanislav L. Tkachenko, Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
Tanel Kerikmäe, Tallin University of Technology (Estonia)

The Series Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES) publishes innovative and interdisciplinary research perspectives on contemporary social and political developments in Central Europe, the Baltic Countries, Russia and Eastern Europe, including the Caucasus. The Series welcomes studies authored by early-career and senior researchers, policy analysts and practitioners, including both internationally recognized authors and emerging regional voices. CEES both analyses and promotes ongoing processes of transition and transformation, historical legacies and international relations, exploring the linkages between regionalism in Central, Baltic and Eastern Europe, and wider European cooperation and integration. CEES combines cutting edge policy research, interdisciplinary approaches and innovative and provocative thinking which will be of interest to a wide range of readers, including policy analysts, scholars, policy makers, diplomats, and journalists.


Publishing your book in CEES Book series:


We are glad to launch our open selection of manuscript proposals for the 2022-2024 CEES plan of publications.


CEES selection is open to both early-career researchers and senior scholars working on Central and Eastern European studies. Research monographs and edited collections are both warmly welcome. Among the main themes that will be explored in 2022-2024 CEES plan of publications, we may mention:


  • Cutting-edge research in global international relations, with a specific focus on the role played by political actors in Central and Eastern Europe.


  • Investigation of domestic transformations in contemporary social, cultural and political dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe.


  • Interdisciplinary work on Central and Eastern Europe intersecting International Relations, European Studies and Cultural Studies.


  • New achievements in historical studies, based on archival research, which could open new perspectives on contemporary developments in Central and Eastern Europe.


  • The geographic scope of CEES book series covers Central Europe, the Baltic Countries, the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, including Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and the Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). Country-based studies and/or comparative researches are warmly welcome by the Board. All CEES volumes are peer-reviewed.


Please, note that, even if only English-language manuscripts are published in CEES series, the board also welcomes manuscript proposals in other languages for preliminary consideration. For information about proofreading and translation services, please, contact Nomos editor, Carsten Rehbein (


The manuscript proposals will be processed by the international advisory board of the book series by early 2022. Works submitted for the competition must be original, previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The promising manuscript proposals accepted by the board will receive a publication offer from Nomos. After the evaluation procedure, the Board might also consider awarding special prizes for the most valuable proposals.


Manuscript should not exceed 90.000/100.000 words (including title page, index and bibliography). Please, use the book proposal form in attachment for your submission.


Please, send your manuscript proposal to Nomos editor, Carsten Rehbein:



A. Target group

Who: Researchers, policy analysts, practitioners in Political scientists, European scientists, public/European institutions

Where: German and English-speaking regions in Europe


B. Aims





C. Advertising measures


a. Advertising media A: eMailing (digital)


We send different thematic newsletters to scientists, young scientists, authors and interested parties (institutions, journalists). The Call for Manuscripts can also be included here.


b. Advertising media B: Series Brochure (print)


As soon as several volumes have been published, a promotional material for the entire series can be produced.


c. Advertising media D: Themed brochures (print) (Examples)


Europe, especially Central and Eastern European with links


d. Advertising media E: Advertisements (print) (Examples)


Advertisements for the title in NOMOS journals ZfP, integration, zib, ZEuS


Journal of European Studies


 e. Advertising media F: Social Media

Campaigns on the topic on Twitter und LinkedIn


f. Advertising media G: Events (Examples)


International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI)




g. Advertising media H: Reviews


h. Advertising media I: Obligatory advertising material


Discipline catalogue Politics

Themed brochures