The economic and social importance of both sports and e-sports is growing inexorably. At the same time, the degree of professionalization is increasing and with it the need for legal advice. SpoPrax helps to shape this process and to stay at eye level.
The advantages of the new magazine:
- Brings clarity to the complex cross-cutting issues of sports and e-sports law
- Addresses the current legal issues of all sports disciplines (from soccer to boxing to athletics) and e-sports titles (from League of Legends to Fortnite to Rocket League)
- Deals with constantly relevant areas of law (labor law issues in professional sports and e-sports, relationship of sports association law to European Union law, sanctioning of rule violations by sports and arbitration courts, non-profit status of e-sports clubs, legal power position of the publisher, etc.)
- Also includes international and European (e-)sports law topics, as well as sports and e-sports law from Switzerland and Austria
- Provides first-hand information from experienced practitioners from the legal profession, research, academia and industry
- Includes electronic access to the journal via beck-online including linked case law
Who particularly benefits from SpoPrax:
- Lawyers, tax advisory professions and the judiciary
- Business, administration, universities
- sports and e-sports clubs and associations as well as companies active in sponsoring or as investors
- the marketing, advertising, media and event industry
- Lawyer Dr. Markus Schütz, LL.M.
- Dr. Jörg Alvermann
- Dr. Caroline Bechtel
- Dr. Holger Blask, LL.M.
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey, LL.M.
- Prof. Dr. Martin Gutzeit
- Thomas E. Herrich
- Dr. Henning Hofmann
- Prof. Dr. Anne Jakob, LL.M.
- Dr. Holger Jakob, LL.M.
- Dr. Andreas Jens
- Gunnar Kempf, LL.M.
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel
- Dr. Hermann Lindhorst
- Hans Eberhard Lorenz
- Prof. Dr. Martin Maties
- Prof. Dr. Martin Nolte
- Dr. Jan Räker, LL.M.
- Dr. Joachim Rain
- Marc Patrick Schneider, MBA
- Andreas Thiel
- Dr. Philipp Winter
- RA Dr. Markus Schütz, LL.M. (V. i. S. d. P.)
Erbprinzenstr. 29a, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel.: +49 721 509953-40
- Dr. Remus Muresan
Europaallee 41, 8021 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 79 1778800