
TECHNIKGESCHICHTE is the specialist journal for research in the history of technology in the German-speaking world. Founded in 1909 as the “Jahrbuch Technikgeschichte” (Yearbook of the History of Technology), the journal is today the most traditional German specialist periodical devoted to the history of technology from its beginnings to the present day.

TECHNIKGESCHICHTE exclusively publishes original articles on the historical development of technology in its scientific, social, economic and political contexts. It publishes reviews of current German- and foreign-language research literature as well as conference reports, miscellanies and information on research projects. The reviews are freely accessible six months after publication via the portal recensio.net.

With its interdisciplinary concept, TECHNIKGESCHICHTE addresses not only technology researchers and technology historians, but also social scientists, philosophers and cultural scientists, those who shape technical change in associations, companies and politics, among others, as well as interested laypersons who want to reflect on technical, social and cultural change in its historical dimensions.

TECHNIKGESCHICHTE is published quarterly and exclusively publishes peer-reviewed articles (double-blind peer-reviewed journal). Each article is accompanied by an abstract in German and English.

The TECHNIKGESCHICHTE homepage offers

  • an archive with annotated tables of contents back to 1995 and a database search function for all articles and reviews ever published since 1909 (under construction)
  • convenient ordering options for subscriptions and selected single issues
  • information for authors of the journal
  • information on quality standards and the review process
  • information about the scientific management and the editorial staff

ISSN Print 0040-117X
ISSN Online 2942-3503
Published quarterly


Scientific Management

Advisory Board

Editorial Office

  • Dr. Katharina Zeitz
    Technische Universität Berlin
    Sekr. H 67
    Straße des 17. Juni 135
    10623 Berlin

    E-Mail: technikgeschichte@nomos.de

Review Editorial:

Dr. Fabian Zimmer, E-Mail: fabian.zimmer@tu-berlin.de

Special Issue

Manuscript Submission

Publishing Open Access

TECHNIKGESCHICHTE is not an open access journal. However, it is possible to publish individual articles in the journal open access by making the digital version freely available under a Creative Commons license chosen by the respective author(s). The publisher requires a fee to cover the publication costs (Article Processing Charge – APC) in the amount of 1,990.00 EUR (plus VAT). Many scientific institutions and science funding bodies provide corresponding funds for the publication of research results.

Are you interested in this option? Talk to your editorial office or contact open-access@nomos.de!

Abstracting & Indexing

TECHNIKGESCHICHTE is indexed by and included in

Peer Review Process

TECHNIKGESCHICHTE is a double-blind peer review journal. All incoming articles are subject to the peer review process. Miscellanies, research, project, conference and exhibition reports are reviewed by the Scientific Management.

The incoming articles are forwarded by the Editorial Board to the Scientific Management. The Scientific Board reviews the manuscripts and decides whether to reject them or to initiate the peer review process. The members of the Scientific Management propose reviewers. When the peer review process is initiated, the author is informed by the Scientific Management.

One member of the Scientific Management is responsible for each article. The editorial office takes care of the communication with the reviewers. As a rule, the reviewers are given about 4 weeks for their review. The reviewers receive the form “Review” for the preparation of their reviews. The editorial office sends the reports to the person in charge, who summarizes the results and communicates them to the other members of the WL. The result is communicated by the editorial office to the author. If accepted, the author is given a deadline to revise the article. After resubmission, the revised article will be reviewed again by the person in charge of the WL and the result will be communicated to the other members of the WL. The result will be communicated again by the Editorial Board to the author(s).

In case of an ambiguous vote of the reviewers, a third review is usually to be requested.


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