Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl)


The Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (Journal of Parliamentary Issues) will appeal to academics in different fields, journalists, politicians, students and anyone interested in parliamentary issues. The main subjects it addresses are developments in the German Bundestag, and in the country’s federal state and other parliaments.

Although ZParl is conceived academically, it is not only produced for academics. It will also appeal to journalists, politicians and all students and agents of a complicated form of government which is nevertheless defendable and capable of changing.

ZParl is therefore conceived in an accessible way. Like the American publication ‘Congressional Quarterly’, it publishes documents with relevant and clearly structured background information on current political issues and, like the British quarterly ‘Parliamentary Affairs’, it publishes academic essays and concise analyses.

ZParl addresses all areas of politics which relate to questions of legitimation and representation. It focuses on national and federal state parliamentarianism, aspects of local politics, constitutional questions and problems relating to comparisons between international parliaments. It also examines parliamentary development in other states.

ZParl conveys academically sound and systematically structured information on politics, with documentation and analyses occupying the majority of space within it. In addition, each issue contains essays which consider important topics in depth and provide new food for thought. ZParl constantly provides a platform for discussion, while also presenting the latest works on general parliamentary issues and reviewing new publications on the main topics covered by each issue in the section ‘Literaturteil’. In the section ‘Mitteilungen’, ZParl provides information on seminars, discussion forums and lectures organised by the Deutsche Vereinigung für Parlamentsfragen (German Association of Parliamentary Issues).

The issues produced each year include an index of subjects and persons, which lends them the character of reference works on institutions and comparative politics. In the over forty years it has existed, ZParl has become a database which has contributed to chronicling the Federal Republic of Germany.

ISSN Print 0340-1758
ISSN Online 1862-2534
Published quarterly


  • Deutsche Vereinigung für Parlamentsfragen

    Konstantin Kuhle, MdB

    Managing Director: 
    Dr. Alexander Troche
    Phone: +49 (0)30 227 92658
    E-Mail: dvparl@t-online.de

  • Representative of the DVParl board for the journal: 

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich Oberreuter
    Universität Passau und Direktor der Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing, Germany

Editorial Office

  • Prof. Dr. Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer, Editor-in-Chief (V.i.S.d.P.)
    Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  • Thomas Hadamek, MinR
    Verwaltung des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg-Detlef Kühne
    Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt
    TU Dresden, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Sven T. Siefken
    Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung, Brühl, Germany

Editorial address

Prof. Dr. Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (V.i.S.d.P.)
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Japanologie
06099 Halle (Saale)

Phone: +49 (0)345 5524 267 or +49 (0)345 5524 221
E-Mail: zparl@politik.uni-halle.de


  • Austria
    Prof. Dr. Heinz Fischer
    Prof. Dr. Anton Pelinka
  • The Netherlands
    Prof. Dr. Carla van Baalen
    Prof. Dr. Rinus van Schendelen
  • Switzerland
    Dr. Ruth Lüthi

Manuscripts are welcome.

Guidelines for Authors

Publishing Open Access

ZParl is not an open access journal. However, it is possible to publish individual articles in the journal open access by making the digital version freely available under a Creative Commons license chosen by the respective author(s). The publisher requires a fee to cover the publication costs (Article Processing Charge – APC) in the amount of 1,990.00 EUR (plus VAT). Many scientific institutions and science funding bodies provide corresponding funds for the publication of research results.

Are you interested in this option? Talk to your editorial office or contact open-access@nomos.de!

Editorial Programme and Editing Process

Editorial Programme

Normatively and empirically committed to democratic politics, the journal’s editorial programme focuses on the theory and reality of parliamentarism. The periodical’s data, descriptions and interpretations are especially aimed at exploring contemporary questions of legitimacy and representation. The ZParl (Journal of Parliamentary Affairs) is conceived as an academic journal, but is not only intended for academics; it is aimed at all students and mediators of a difficult form of government that is always in need of development.

Editing Process

The editorial board of ZParl is composed of political scientists and jurists. Each manuscript submitted undergoes an editorial review process in which all members of the editorial board – who are directly responsible to authors as well as to readers – participate and which, at the same time, vouches for the identity and quality of the journal.

Abstracting & Indexing

ZParl regularly scores among the top 100 German scholarly journals in the Google Scholar ranking and is also included in


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