Nomos takes over the scientific programme of Wachholtz Verlag


Nomos takes over the scientific programme of Wachholtz Verlag

Wachholtz programme enriches Nomos imprint Georg Olms Verlag from 1 March 2024

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft takes over the academic programme of Wachholtz Verlag. By integrating the renowned series and titles into the programme of the Nomos imprint Georg Olms Verlag, Nomos is strengthening its position as a leading academic publisher in the legal, social sciences and humanities. The merger of the two publishing programmes offers numerous advantages. Synergies can be utilised in the areas of editing, production, sales and marketing. The renowned Wachholtz Wissenschaft programme with its focus on archaeology, history, literary studies and philosophy is an ideal addition to Georg Olms Verlag.

Nomos Managing Director Thomas Gottlöber explains: “The Wachholtz Wissenschaft programme strengthens our position as one of the leading academic publishers. We look forward to continuing and expanding the tradition of publications and series in order to continue to offer high-quality content and services for our authors, editors and readers via all distribution channels, in particular via the Nomos eLibrary.”

The academic publishing landscape has been in a state of flux for years. In order to secure the future of Wachholtz Verlag’s successful academic series, publisher Dr Sven Murmann has decided to hand them over to Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft in Baden-Baden.

We have a long-standing successful partnership with Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft through the eLibrary. I am therefore delighted that our science programme will in future be published under the umbrella of the Nomos imprint Georg Olms Verlag. This means that the Wachholtz science programme will find a new home in a publishing house that is ideally positioned for the future.

Dr. Sven Murmann , Managing Director Wachholtz Verlag

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft has successfully integrated several academic programmes in recent years: This began in 2009 with the acquisition of Reinhard Fischer Verlag, which was integrated into the Nomos Verlag programme as “Edition Reinhard Fischer”. Edition Sigma has been part of Nomos Verlag since 2015 and “Edition Rainer Hampp” since 2021, both of which have since also been integrated into the main programme. The first publishing house to be continued as a separate brand and imprint was Tectum Verlag (2017), followed by Ergon Verlag (2017), Academia Verlag (2018), Rombach Wissenschaft (2020), Verlag Karl Alber (2022) and Georg Olms Verlag (2023).