Anniversary of the Heidelberg Papers on Business Law and European Law

Anniversary of the series Heidelberger Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht und Europarecht (Heidelberg Papers on Business Law and European Law)

The 100th volume is now available

The Heidelberg Papers on Business Law and European Law, edited by Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Geibel, Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Hommelhoff, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff and Prof. Dr. Dirk A. Verse, mainly gather monographs on the large thematic intersection of business law and European law, which are produced at the Institute for German and European Corporate and Business Law at Heidelberg University. On the one hand, substantive European Union law continues to be shaped by its economic law focus on transnational fundamental market freedoms and competition rules in the social regulatory framework with offshoots into private law and regulatory law, and conversely, economic law relevant in or for Germany is determined by specifications of European Union law. The series also covers economic law topics of German and global law without reference to European law as well as European law issues without a focus on economic law.

The hundredth anniversary volume of the Heidelberg series on business law and European law, “Internal Market Law as a Multi-level System”, reflects with its title the proprium of the series and contains contributions on internal market law before member state courts (Peter-Christian Müller-Graff), on new perspectives of a European Private Company (Stephan Harbarth), on a European group law for the internal market (Peter Hommelhoff), on basic questions of the shareholders’ right of withdrawal in the case of a cross-border demerger (Dirk A. Verse), on the figure of the data trust for research purposes (Stefan J. Geibel), and on a conflict-of-laws view of unitary patent law (Christian Heinze).