Georg Olms Verlag’s science programme becomes part of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

Georg Olms Verlag’s science programme becomes part of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

Nomos Verlag in Baden-Baden will take over the academic portfolio of Georg Olms Verlag on 1 July 2023 and continue to run it as an imprint under the same name. The publishing branch OLMS PRESSE with its public programme as well as WEIDMANN Verlag will continue to operate in Hildesheim.

On 1 July 2023, the academic programme of Georg Olms Verlag will be transferred to Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft in Baden-Baden. All publications in the humanities, cultural studies and musicology of Georg Olms Verlag will be affected. The scholarly monographs as well as the series, periodicals and editions of Georg Olms AG will be continued in Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft under the name “Georg Olms Verlag” and made available digitally in the Nomos eLibrary. With the takeover, Nomos is further expanding its humanities programme. In order to ensure programmatic continuity, not only the publishing director Dietrich Olms but also the editors Ulrike Böhmer M.A., Dr. Paul Heinemann and Dr. Doris Wendt will be taken on.

Publisher Dr. Georg W. Olms is pleased: “Georg Olms Verlag, which I have built up together with my sons over the past decades, has found an excellent new publishing home with its academic programme at Nomos. Furthermore, its publications can be supported with the best possible sales and marketing resources at Nomos.”

The Georg Olms AG with the OLMS PRESSE remains in Hildesheim under the management of the publishers Dr. W. Georg Olms and Manfred Olms. The titles of fiction, hippology, youth books, sports, health, cookery books, automobile and regional history, etc. will continue to be published here.

Dr. Martin Reichinger, Head of Social Sciences and Humanities at Nomos: “With its focus on cultural, literary, linguistic, musical and ancient studies as well as history, art history, philosophy and Arabic studies, the renowned Georg Olms Verlag complements our overall programme and at the same time occupies a prominent position among the publishing houses of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.”

Nomos is known as the publishing house for authors – with competent and direct contact persons. Keeping this promise of quality is important to us. We are very pleased to integrate the academic programme of Georg Olms Verlag into the publishing environment of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, in which the content will be distributed via multimedia and given even greater visibility.

Thomas Gottlöber , Nomos CEO

Nomos is one of the leading academic publishers in the fields of law, social sciences and humanities and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad in universities, libraries and specialist bookshops, also due to a steadily growing proportion of publications in English and other foreign languages. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft is also home to the imprints Academia Verlag, Ergon Verlag, Verlag Karl Alber, Rombach Wissenschaft, Tectum Verlag as well as Edition Sigma and Edition Rainer Hampp.

Your press contacts

Caroline Burk

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG


Telephone: 07221 2104-290

Edda Lask

Georg Olms AG – Verlag


Telephone: 05121 1501-0