Nomos founds “ZPG – Zeitschrift für das Recht der Personengesellschaften und Einzelunternehmen” (Journal for the Law of Partnerships and Sole Proprietorships)

Nomos founds “ZPG”

Nomos Verlag publishes the first journal dealing exclusively with the law of partnerships and sole proprietorships. Issue 1 of “ZPG” will be published in January.

The new “ZPG – Zeitschrift für das Recht der Personengesellschaften und Einzelunternehmen” (Journal for the Law of Partnerships and Sole Proprietorships) provides comprehensive information on the law relevant to partnerships and sole proprietorships, with a particular focus on legal advice and legal practice (lawyers, law firms and notaries). Its topics are either typical for advising owner-managed partnerships and sole proprietorships, or they are dealt with there exclusively in the light of advising them. Thus, the partnership law of the KG, OHG and Kapitalgesellschaft & Co. and GbR are among the core topics. Family law and the law of succession with its succession and compulsory portion issues are also among the important areas of advice for most owner-managed companies. Register law, including the digitalization of register-legal procedures and tax law with questions of the profit distribution and – use or the balance belong likewise into the spectrum of the new magazine like the occupation right in particular of right and tax-advisory occupations with questions to the constitution in the PartG and other legal forms.

Each issue contains an essay section with classic basic essays on general system issues, a case law section with selected current decisions and comments, as well as a section dedicated to practice with solutions to practical problems.

The editors are Prof. Dr. Martin Henssler and Dr. David Markworth.

“At ZPG, the focus is on partnerships and sole proprietorships. It is tailored to advising these companies that characterize the SME sector, for which much will change as a result of the MoPeG on the effective date of 01.01.2024.”

Prof. Dr. Martin Henssler , Editor

The editorial board consists exclusively of recognized experts in this field of law, including numerous members of the Maurach Commission: Dr. Simon Blath, Deutsches Notarinstitut, Würzburg, Prof. Dr. Barbara Dauner-Lieb, University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Ingo Drescher, Presiding Judge at the Federal Supreme Court, Karlsruhe, Dr. Hans Gummert, Attorney at Law, Düsseldorf, Prof. Dr. Florian Haase, Attorney at Law, Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Heribert Heckschen, Notary Public, Dresden, Prof. Dr. Martin Henssler, University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Jens Koch, University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Jochem Reichert, Attorney at Law, Mannheim, Dr. Gabriele Roßkopf, Attorney at Law, Stuttgart, Prof. Dr. Carsten Schäfer, University of Mannheim, Dr. Uwe Schmidt, Presiding Judge at the Higher Regional Court, Cologne, Dr. Eberhard Schollmeyer, LL.M., Ministerialrat, BMJ, Berlin and Prof. Dr. Johannes Wertenbruch, Philipps-Universität Marburg.

The new journal is available as a print subscription including digital access via beck-online or as a digital subscription (e-only). More information can be found in the NomosShop.