Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege (BdW)


The “Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege” provide concise yet comprehensive information on important societal, social and legal developments as well as professional standards in social and health care. In addition to fundamental articles, there are model descriptions and working aids. The extensive specialized information provides information on current developments in all fields of activity of social work as well as in social services and institutions.

The journal “Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege” addresses professionals in the social sector – social workers, social pedagogues, educators, scientists, social policy makers, heads of offices, managing directors, board members of associations.

ISSN Print 0340-8574
ISSN Online 2942-3147
Published every two months


Schloßstraße 80
70176 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (0)711 / 619 26 – 0

Chairwoman of the Board: Ingrid Hastedt

Advisory Board

  • Dr. Holger Backhaus-Maul
    Research Assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy III (Educational Sciences) of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Sylvia Bühler
    Member of the ver.di Federal Executive Board and Head of the “Health, Social Services, Education and Science” department
  • Pfarrer Christian Dopheide
    Theological Director, Evangelical Foundation Hephata
  • Dr. Konrad Hummel
    Retired Managing Director, MWS Project Development Company of the City of Mannheim
  • Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kuhn-Zuber
    Professor for the legal foundations of social work and curative education
  • Dr. Dorian Lübcke
    Referent Intranet/Wissensmanagement/Interne Kommunikation
  • Thomas Niermann
    Head of the Integration Department of the State Welfare Association of Hesse
  • Dr. Jonas Pieper
    Consultant for overlapping technical questions, Der Paritätische Gesamtverband
  • Dr. Thomas Schiller
    Head of the Communication Center at Diakonie Deutschland – Protestant Federal Association – Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e. V.
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Thiessen
    Professor of Educational Science with a focus on guidance and gender at Bielefeld University
  • Prof. Annette Ullrich, Ph.D.
    Professor of Educational Science, Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Vilain
    Professor of General Business Administration and Managing Director of the Institute for Future Issues in the Health and Social Economy (IZGS)
  • Prof. Dr. Wolf Rainer Wendt
    Member of the Board of the German Society for Care and Case Management e. V.
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Wiesner
    Former Head of the Department “Legal Issues of Child and Youth Welfare” in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Partner in the law firm Bernzen/Sonntag, Hamburg and Berlin

Editorial Office

  • Dr. Andreas Vierecke (V.i.S.d.P.)
  • Dr. Pia Jaeger

Dr. Andreas Vierecke
Wilhelm-Kuhnert-Str. 2a
81543 München


Special Issues

Topic preview

Issue 1: Gesellschaftliche Resilienz

Issue 1: Krise des Sozialstaats – (Entscheidungs-)Dilemmata in der Sozialen Arbeit
Issue 2: Zuwanderung und Wohlfahrt
Issue 3: Gemeinnützigkeit und Zivilgesellschaft
Issue 4: Infrastruktur
Issue 5: Caring Democracy: Wohlfahrt.Sorge.Demokratie.
Issue 6: Sozialreformen

Guidelines for Authors

Abstracting & Indexing

The journal is indexed by


Media Kit