Communicatio Socialis

Journal on Media Ethics and Ethics of the Digital Society


Communicatio Socialis – Journal on Media Ethics and Communication in Religion and Society deals with trends and problems of social, media-mediated communication from a media ethics perspective.

Especially with the mediatisation and digitalisation of social communication, the importance of critical and ethical reflection on these fields is growing.

Communicatio Socialis has an interdisciplinary orientation:

We consider the following references to be particularly important:

  • Firstly, communication and media ethics primarily uses social science methods to theoretically and empirically research the media world in all its facets, also with regard to the question of how it can look better.

  • Secondly, philosophical ethics clarifies the possibilities and limits of normative argumentation in general ethics. In media ethics, it endeavours to make practical suggestions as application-oriented ethics.

  • And thirdly, in media education, the question is posed as to how people can become or remain capable of acting and empowered in a world increasingly characterised by (digital) media.

  • In addition, media ethics issues and research touch on many other disciplines, such as psychology, political science and theology.

Communicatio Socialis is open to these connections.

Communicatio Socialis publishes articles in several sections:

  • Main thematic focuses: Each issue contains a thematic focus set by the editorial team and editors, with a focus on media ethics. As a rule, three topics are announced in advance in the print or online edition and on the website. Authors are invited to offer their contributions. In addition to academic articles, the formats in this section include reports, essays, inside views and interviews. The editorial team is also open to including topics in the magazine that are currently relevant to media ethics..

  • Basic concepts of communication and media ethics (series): In each issue of the magazine, different authors from media ethics and its neighbouring disciplines present terms relevant to media ethics. The series, which is based on definitions and discourse, aims to offer students as well as communication and media practitioners a basic conceptual orientation.

  • ‘zuRechtgerückt’ (series): The zuRechtgerückt section deals with current violations of standards, primarily in German-speaking countries, which are discussed in the self-regulatory bodies of the media, as well as legal regulations in the context of freedom of information.
  • Essay: Current scientific research results from communication science.

  • Communication in Religion & Society: In addition to essays on church and religious communication, this section contains articles on social discourses and general developments in public communication.

  • Reviews: The selected books are orientated towards the subject area of the journal. This means that the literature reviewed focuses on communication and media ethics as well as the area of media/religion/communication. In addition, fundamental works of communication science and practice are reviewed.

ISSN Print 0010-3497
ISSN Online 2198-3852
Published quarterly


Communicatio Socialis is sponsored by the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Communicatio Socialis is a member of the Media Ethics Network


Address of the editors

Editorial Office

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Studiengang Journalistik
Redaktion Communicatio Socialis
Ostenstraße 25
85072 Eichstätt

Phone: +49 (0)8421/93-21554
E-mail to the editorial office:

Call for Papers

You want to write for Communicatio Socialis?

We look forward to your contribution.

Please send manuscripts and suggestions for texts to the editorial office.

Please consider the following information for authors.

Information for Authors

Publishing Open Access

Communicatio Socialis is not an open access journal. However, it is possible to publish individual articles in the journal open access by making the digital version freely available under a Creative Commons license chosen by the respective author(s). The publisher requires a fee to cover the publication costs (Article Processing Charge – APC) in the amount of 1,990.00 EUR (plus VAT). Many scientific institutions and science funding bodies provide corresponding funds for the publication of research results.

Are you interested in this option? Talk to your editorial office or contact!

Review process


Since December 2018, Communicatio Socialis has been offering interested authors the opportunity to publish their scientific contributions as part of a peer review process with external reviewers.

What is peer review by request?

Unlike in comparable journals, not all articles in Communicatio Socialis are reviewed blindly and externally, but only those for which the author so wishes.

Why peer review by request?

The themed issues of Communicatio Socialis are planned up to a year in advance. In order to ensure a comprehensive compilation of topics, the editorial team asks competent authors for contributions. A reviewing process with external reviewers is difficult to reconcile with such a workflow organisation. Due to the comprehensive editorial support of the authors and quality assurance of the articles, it is usually not even necessary. Intensive reviewing by a highly competent editorial team is standard in our journal.

As some authors are dependent on peer-reviewed publications in their academic work – for example as part of cumulative doctoral or appointment procedures – Communicatio Socialis offers the option of a peer review by request procedure.

The background to the decision to use a peer review by request procedure is explained in detail in the editorial of our issue 4/2018.

How does peer review by request work?

Authors whose articles are to be peer-reviewed must submit their typescript once with all author details and once anonymised and with three keywords.

All articles submitted in this way will be reviewed by two independent and expert reviewers from the disciplines of media and communication studies and media ethics according to specific criteria (see below). Both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.

The reviewers can cast the following votes:

  • The contribution is rejected;
  • The article can be resubmitted after extensive revision and will be reviewed by the editorial team;
  • The article may be submitted after minor revision and will be reviewed by the editorial team;
  • The article can be edited and printed.

If the votes differ, a third expert opinion will be obtained.

On the basis of the internal and external votes, the editorial conference decides on publication and, if necessary, on the date of publication.

Our criteria:

  • The research questions are clearly formulated.
  • A suitable research approach was chosen to answer the scientific questions posed.
  • The methodology is comprehensible and the research results are reproducible.
  • The theoretical integration makes sense.
  • The article is related to and relevant to current topics and discussions in the field of media ethics and media and communication studies.
  • The article has an originality and novelty value.
  • The structure of the article is logical and the conclusions are comprehensible.
  • The article fulfils the usual formal requirements for academic articles and is easy to understand and “readable”.


If you are interested, please get in touch with your contact person Jonas Schützeneder.

Abstracting & Indexing


Media Kit