Diyâr is an interdisciplinary and interregional academic journal edited by the Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT). It deals with Turkey, the Ottoman Empire and its successor states, Iran, Central Asia and the Caucasus. It also publishes research on the languages, cultures and history of various Turkic and Iranian-speaking groups, dynasties and states as well as of other ethnolinguistic and religious groups living in these countries until the present day.
Diyâr publishes original and as yet unpublished contributions from the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences with emphasis on the fields of history, literary studies, sociolinguistics, political science, sociology, economics, cultural anthropology/ethnology, religious studies, music studies, cultural geography, education and law.
Through its focused content and high peer-review standards, Diyâr intends to be a leading international academic periodical on Turkic and Iranian research.
As of 2020, Diyâr will be published by Ergon (part of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft) twice a year and will contain research articles and reviews. Guest editors will be responsible for conducting scholarly debates on specific topics in special issues. At least every third issue will have such a thematic focus. Our aim is to engage as guest editors not only renowned academics but also outstanding young, up-and-coming researchers. Diyâr accepts contributions written in German, English and French.
ISSN Print 2625-9842
ISSN Online 2942-3155
Published semi-annually
Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT)
represented by
The extended editorial board of Diyâr includes international scholars from a variety of disciplines:
Diyâr is published biannually. Articles may be submitted to Julia Fröhlich ( at any time. Papers should not exceed a length of 60,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes). They should include an abstract (150-200 words) and a list of (up to) 6 keywords.
Diyâr accepts contributions in German, English, and French.
Diyâr adheres to high standards of publication ethics and reserves the right to reject and retract contributions that breach the academic code of conduct. All published research must have been conducted and put into writing based on the COPE guidelines ( These include, among others, ethical research conduct, full disclosure of sources, publication rights and authorship, as well as originality of content. By submitting their manuscripts to Diyâr, all authors have to provide assurance that their manuscripts are original, not yet published or under review elsewhere.
Furthermore, Diyâr takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously, naturally expecting all submissions to give full credit to all sources used (including data, ideas, images, and words).
Only those who have made a significant contribution to the submitted manuscript may be identified as authors.
Authors are expected to acknowledge any source of financial support received for the preparation of the manuscript.
Authors have to make sure that their manuscript is written in a clear, fully comprehensible style and flawless language (either English, French or German). If advised, the author has to have their manuscript edited by a professional editor (preferably a native speaker of the respective language the manuscript is written in). The author is responsible for organising linguistic editing and for paying the respective fees.
Every article submitted to Diyâr has to pass a rigorous, high-quality double-blind peer review process before being considered for publication. The manuscript is anonymised and shared with at least two reviewers who prepare their report based on our guideline questions. These questions refer to the manuscript’s academic value, content, (linguistic) comprehensibility and the reviewer’s suggestions for revision.
The reviewers are to answer these questions objectively and comprehensively, based on scientific standards and professional language. Their opinion and assessment are to be expressed clearly, offering constructive criticism and providing the author with suggestions how to revise their manuscript.
The editors support the first phase of assessment, the review process and the final selection of manuscripts for publication. They are acknowledged experts in the fields within the scope of Diyâr’s thematic interest.
No information concerning the review process or author details will be shared with anyone but the authors themselves.
Authors publishing in Diyâr are generally not required to pay submission fees or processing fees. However, Diyâr reserves the right to charge an Article-Processing-Charge (APC) for project-based and funded articles (this may cost between EUR 1,590,00 to EUR 1,990,00 (plus VAT)). They are, however, responsible for covering the costs for linguistic editing (if needed). For details, see ‘language’.
Aside from single articles, we also welcome proposals for special issues dealing with topics within the scope of our journal. Your proposal should include at least six abstracts (including the names and contact details of the respective authors) and a brief (ca. one page) description of your publication project. Please send your proposal to (contact: Julia Fröhlich). All manuscripts have to undergo a double-blind review process before being considered for publication (for details, see ‘review process’).
Diyâr welcomes proposals for special issues that match the journal’s focus on Turkey, the Ottoman Empire and its successor states, Iran, Central Asia and the Caucasus (click here for more information on Diyâr’s thematic focus).
The proposal for a special issue – including a description of the project (2,000–5,000 words) and either abstracts of planned contributions or a call for papers – should be submitted to the editorial board. The editorial board may express its interest in the proposal, but a final decision regarding acceptance will be based on submission of the whole issue to the editorial board, as well as on the peer review of each submitted paper.
If the proposal does not yet include the papers, which is preferred, they can be invited through various methods. A call for papers can be placed on both the Diyâr and GTOT web sites and circulated among GTOT members and other relevant forums. Contributors may also be put together by organizing a panel at the ‘Turkologentag’ or other relevant international conferences, or by holding a workshop or conference; in those cases, a call for papers may not be necessary.
A special issue typically consists of 6–8 papers. A paper should normally not exceed a length of about 60,000 characters. Papers may be in English, French or German (click here for detailed guidelines) .
Diyâr plans to publish at least one special issue every two years.
Ergon Verlag as part of Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft and the Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) have agreed to convert the journal Diyâr to the progressive Gold Open Access format starting with issue 2025. The entire journal will be Open Access under a CC-BY license starting with issue 1/25. The publisher will not charge Article Processing Charges (APC) for the publication of individual articles.
Under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license
is permitted.
The licenser cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the license conditions are met:
Authors of articles in Diyâr are not charged any fees (i.e. no article processing or submission fees).
Find out more about the CC BY 4.0 International licence here: Deed – Namensnennung 4.0 International – Creative Commons. You can find out more about the general Open Access policy of Nomos Verlag here.
Authors publishing in this journal retain full copyright and publication rights.
Diyar is indexed among others by
Every article submitted to Diyâr has to pass a rigorous, high-quality double-blind peer review process before being considered for publication. Before entering the peer review process, the submissions have to pass a first assessment round conducted by the editors aiming to establish whether the article’s general makeup (topic, language, length, academic style) matches the requirements of the journal (see our style sheet). Provided that a manuscript passes this phase, it is anonymised and shared with at least two reviewers who prepare their report based on our guideline questions. These questions refer to the manuscript’s academic value, content, (linguistic) comprehensibility and the reviewer’s suggestions for revision. Upon receipt, the reviewers’ comments and recommendations are shared anonymously with the author, providing the latter with the opportunity to revise their contributions and resubmit those for final approval. Final acceptance of the resubmitted paper lies with the editors. Selection criteria for reviewers rest on scientific expertise in the topic and professional reputation. In general, these are either professors or postdoctoral researchers. In exceptional cases, provided that a doctoral candidate is doing intensive research on the given topic, doctoral candidates may be asked to serve as reviewers as well.