
The journal UFITA – Archiv für Medienrecht und Medienwissenschaft (Archive of Media Law and Media Studies) has been published with NOMOS since 2018. As a research-oriented archive journal with extremely high academic aspirations, it offers a forum for essays on private and public copyright and media law with its interdisciplinary connections and on social science-based media and communication studies. Originally launched in 1928 under the title of ‘Archiv für Urheber-, Film- und Theaterrecht’ (Archive of Copyright, Film and Theatre Law), since 2018 UFITA has realigned itself according to its tradition as one of the oldest journals on copyright and media law in the German language.

In essays and reviews, renowned authors address fundamental issues and current developments in copyright and media law studies, taking into account their methodological and economic foundations plus their connections to the philosophy and history of law. At the same time, UFITA also offers a forum which will facilitate interdisciplinary discussions and publications from the field of media and communication studies in the future. In this respect, its connections to international research and its comparative focus on European law and international law are equally as important as its cooperation with academics from a variety of fields.

UFITA offers 300 pages of information, opinion and analysis per year, is published biannually and, in addition to wide-ranging academic essays, contains in-depth reviews of selected publications, which are discussed in omnibus reviews according to their topic. Moreover, each issue contains an overview of German and international research literature, extracts from journals plus an overview of current decisions made in relation to this subject area. UFITA is also endeavouring to expand its range of publications in English.

At the same time, UFITA is also a publishing medium for key topics conceived by external (guest) editorial boards, for instance as part of conferences. Furthermore, its format allows it to include large-scale reviews from legal and media studies which contribute to academic discussion.

UFITA is supported by the Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht (Institute of Copyright and Media Law) in Munich and the Institute of European Media Law in Saarbrücken, both of which cover subjects for and addressed by UFITA through their own events and research. In line with this concept, UFITAs chief editors are heads of both the aforementioned research and consulting institutes; in addition, there is a team of other editors comprised of experts from related fields, such as media studies, in order to reflect the journal’s interdisciplinary nature and other legal experts in the media.

UFITA is therefore an ideal, fundamental point of reference for all legal professions and all those in academia and the wider working world who are studying current issues related to the development and regulation of the media in depth.

ISSN Print 2568-9185
ISSN Online 2942-3511
Published semi-annually


Edited by Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht (IUM) and by Institut für Europäisches Medienrecht (EMR).

Editorial Office

  • Prof. Dr. Mark D. Cole
    Fakultät für Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaften
    Université du Luxembourg
    4, rue Alphonse Weicker
    2721 Luxembourg

    Mail: mark.cole@uni.lu
    Telefon: (+352) 46 66 44 6824
  • Prof. Dr. Nadine Klass, LL.M. (Wellington)/(V.i.S.d.P.)
    Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Recht des Geistigen Eigentums sowie deutsches und
    europäisches Verfahrensrecht
    Juristische Fakultät
    Universität Mannheim
    Schloss Ehrenhof West
    68131 Mannheim

    Mail: klass@uni-mannheim.de
    Telefon: (+49) 621 / 181-1374

Guidelines for Authors

Abstracting & Indexing

The UFITA is indexed in


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