First published in 1948, WSI-Mitteilungen is an academic journal with a political and practical focus.
It provides information on new academic research findings in the broad thematic area of ‘work – economics – society’.
It promotes interdisciplinary exchange and is intended as a source of knowledge and opinions for those involved in the working world, the economy and politics in practice. It aims to convey complex knowledge in a structured and linguistically appealing way.
A professional review procedure guarantees that all essays published in the journal are of a high standard, while the short analyses, comments and contributions on issues relating to praxis that it contains reflect current sociopolitical problems and discuss possible solutions to them.
• job market policy, social policy and distribution policy
• employment policy
• industrial relations and wage policy
• qualifications policy
• gender and equality policy
• macroeconomics policy, economic policy and financial policy
• European integration and globalisation
ISSN Print 0342-300X
ISSN Online 2942-3554
Six issues per year
Prof. Dr. Bettina Kohlrausch
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches
Institut (WSI) der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Georg-Glock-Str. 18
40474 Düsseldorf
The scientific advisory board offers conceptual guidance to the editorial department with respect to the acquisition of topics and contributions, the selection of focus topics and focus journals as well as, where necessary, the selection of reviewers. Furthermore, it evaluates the scientific quality standards of WSI-Mitteilungen on a regular basis, as well as the implementation of its conceptual aspiration to publish politics- and practice-oriented contributions at a high scientific standard.
In accordance with the interdisciplinary structure of WSI-Mitteilungen, the board comprises scholars of various social and economic fields of study:
Redaktion WSI-Mitteilungen
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches
Institut (WSI) der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Georg-Glock-Str. 18
40474 Düsseldorf
Please send your manuscript/book review to the editorial management at
Should the submitted manuscript have already been published elsewhere in the German-speaking area or have been offered to another journal at the same time, it will not be accepted for publication. Furthermore, original contributions are requested.
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The Nomos Publishing House is a “green publisher”, also then when diverging from the revised version of the SHERPA/RoMEO List. Details on the rights to self-archiving are derived from the current version of the SHERPA/RoMEO List. Accordingly, 24 months after publication of the printed version (publisher PDF), authors may place the text on their own or their institution’s website. In addition, the Nomos Publishing House enables free access to the relevant issue of the magazine 24 months after the publication of the article in the WSI-Mitteilungen.
Three issues per year are dedicated to particular focus topics. The focus journals are published on 1st February, 1st June and 1st October and are devised and coordinated by journal coordinators (guest editors).
Please find additional information on previous focus journals and the review process here.
The editorial team looks forward to your manuscript offers
To the current Call for Papers
WSI-Mitteilungen publishes contributions according to the following categories:
Essays (‘Aufsätze’) deal with socially relevant developments in an empirical and theoretically sound manner and broaden the state of scientific and practical knowledge. They are subject to a two-time double-blind peer review.
WSI Reports (‘Berichte des WSI’) regularly analyse wage policy and income development in Germany and Europe, as well as the distribution of social wealth in Germany.
Current Research (‘Forschung’) presents contemporary practically relevant findings from empirical research, data analysis and overviews of the state of research.
Practical Matters (‘Aus der Praxis’) presents reports and assessments by scholars and practitioners on current and relevant developments in political and trade union practice.
Debate (‘Debatte’) offers a forum for pointed discussion on controversial scientific or political topics.
Book Reviews (‘Buchbesprechungen’) present new publications from the social or economic sciences.
The editorial team looks forward to your manuscript offers.
WSI-Mitteilungen is not an open access journal. However, it is possible to publish individual articles in the journal open access by making the digital version freely available under a Creative Commons license chosen by the respective author(s). The publisher requires a fee to cover the publication costs (Article Processing Charge – APC) in the amount of 1,990.00 EUR (plus VAT). Many scientific institutions and science funding bodies provide corresponding funds for the publication of research results.
Are you interested in this option? Talk to your editorial office or contact!
Manuscripts which are submitted for free themed issues are subject to a two-time double-blind peer review process. The authors receive excerpts from the assessments and notes for revision. The publication of essays is decided on the basis of the external assessments. A list of the assessors (since 2010) can be viewed here.
The assessment procedure aims at improving the quality of the submitted manuscripts. In recent years, approx. 60 percent of submissions were rated “revise and resubmit” and between 25 and 30 percent of all assessed manuscripts were rejected.
The focus journals are conceptualised by issue coordinators and jointly discussed by the scientific advisory board and the editorial department. The respective issue coordinators, usually supported by external assessors, are responsible for the assessment of contributions submitted for focus journals.
The editorial department decides on the publication of contributions to the categories “WSI Reports”, “Current Research”, “Practice” and “Debate”. The same is true for the selection of book reviews. The category includes reviews of books selected by the editors as well as unsolicited reviews.
Please submit your manuscript/review to the editorial management at
WSI-Mitteilungen regularly scores among the top 100 German scholarly journals in the Google Scholar ranking and is also included in