NomosOnline Modules
The digital pocketbook for lawyers
NomosOnline Modules are an indispensable resource for the practising lawyer. Each module provides a wide range of expert material specific to a particular field of law, with fresh, engaging titles constantly being added. As the modules are part of the beck-online database, users have complete access to titles published by both Nomos Publishing and Verlag C.H. Beck.

The Law Modules
NomosOnline Lawyer
NomosOnline Lawyer provides more than 27,000 pages of commentary. Amongst other eminent works, it also includes the complete commentaries on the German Civil Code (BGB) by Dauner-Lieb/Heidel/Ring, specifically compiled for law practitioners. Users can choose to add up to nine advanced modules depending on their area of specialisation: Employment and Labour, Law of Succession, Family, Commercial, Act on the Ownership of Apartments and the Permanent Residential Right
(WEG), Social, Criminal, Administrative or Traffic Law.
Each basic module automatically comes with two advanced modules of your choice.
Employment and Labour
This module comes with every resource pertaining to Employment and Labour Law and is aimed at lawyers, courts, legal counsels, human resource departments and joint consultative committees.
In addition to the complete commentaries on Employment and Labour Law, this module comprises notable commentaries on various related fields such as the Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act, Works Constitution Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act and the Social Code Book IX.
Also included are handbooks and specimen contract templates by Hümmerich/Reufels as well as further key specimen templates covering various aspects of Employment and Labour Law by Hümmerich/Lücke/Mauer.
Product Compliance
Product compliance, i.e. adhering to specific legal requirements and observing technical guidelines, is a central task for businesses, import companies and traders. The NomosOnline Module on Product Compliance includes the legal journal, Zeitschrift für Product Compliance (ZfPC, in German), as well as commentaries, handbooks, laws and rulings. A valuable resource for legal counsels, product compliance managers, advisors, insurance companies, supervisory authorities and federations alike.
Start Your Free TrialLaw of Succession
In-depth commentaries on the Law of Succession, each of which comes with a useful introduction.
Here, users can find the unabridged commentary on the Law of Succession, as legislated in the German Civil Code (BGB); full-scale summaries of various regulations and the Fiscal Code of Germany, as they pertain to the Law of Succession respectively; a special commentary on forced share entitlement; handbooks and form books.
An entire suite of resources devoted to Family Law: comprehensive commentaries with a real-world approach that cover all material and procedural aspects, illustrating legal processes and outlining the Pension Equalisation Act.
Additionally, this module includes up-to-date commentaries on special laws in the German Federal Law as well as numerous templates and specimen documents from the form books by Meyer-Görtz as well as the form books for the German Civil Code (BGB) and the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) respectively.
This module is rounded off by the fortnightly publication, Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht (in German, Verlag C.H. Beck), and over 250 current laws and their precedents.
This module comprises all twelve commentaries to the Social Law books (SGB 1 to XII) as well as further standard reference works and handbooks on Social Law. Through two prominent legal journals, info also (in German, Nomos Publishing) and Sozialrecht Aktuell (in German, Nomos Publishing), users are informed about the newest progressions in Social Law. Perfect for adjudicators in social courts, lawyers, legal counsels, pension advisors, representatives of federations and labour unions, social service providers and personnel managers.
Start Your Free TrialSocial Work
This latest module is an essential tool for professionals, institutions, federations, associations and government authorities. The academic depth and thematic diversity makes it easy for users to find information in a heartbeat.
Start Your Free TrialCriminal
The best literature on Criminal Law in one spot, covering documentation, theoretical and practical approaches and a plethora of learning tools. Users can look forward to concrete strategies, fresh arguments and pitfalls to avoid.
Start Your Free TrialChild and Youth Welfare
Child and Youth Welfare Law, a codification of various laws, notably from the Social Code Book VIII (SGB VIII) and the German Civil Code (BGB), differentiates itself from other fields of law in that it necessitates social-paedagogic expertise and a specialised ruling system.
This module provides a central platform for all legal matters pertaining to Child and Youth Welfare Law: current information, expert opinions and background facts provided by the German Institute for Youth and Family Welfare (DIJuF e.V.). Users can also look forward to leading commentaries, handbooks, a vast jurisprudence database and the German-language newsletter, KiJuP-Aktuell (Nomos Publishing).
Commentaries on Special Laws
Lawyers are often confronted with specialised subject matter for which either little to no literature exists or cannot be readily found. To compensate the challenges posed by such a situation, this module offers a wealth of material elaborating over two hundred lesser-known and specialised areas of law, from the 9th Federal Immission Control Act to laws governing special-purpose assets (Zweckvermögengesetz).
The following list gives an idea of the breadth of subject matter available in this module: Federal Police Act (BPolG), German Telemedia Act (TMG), Act on Senior Judicial Officers (RPflG), Weapons Act (WaffG), German Employee Inventions Act (ArbNErfG), German Judiciary Act (DRiG), Federal Budget Code (BHO), Food Business Licensing Act (GastG), Federal Immission Control Act (BlmSchG), German Trade and Crafts Code (HwO), German Drug Advertisement Act (HWG), Convention on the Rights of the Child (KRK), German Food and Feed Code (LFGB), Federal Mining Act (BbergG), German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), General Railway Act (AEG), Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV), Committees of Inquiry Act (PUAG), Federal Act on Gender Equality (BGleiG), Young Persons (Protection of Employment) Act (JArbSchG), Political Parties Act (ParteiG).
Municipal Law Journals
Four heavyweights with an emphasis on Municipal Law are the backbone of this module: Kommunaljurist (in German, Nomos Publishing), LKV (in German, Nomos Publishing), LKRZ (in German, Verlag C.H. Beck) and NordÖR (in German, Nomos Publishing).
Various aspects of law specifically pertaining to Municipal Law are covered, such as municipal economic rights, municipal finances, procurement, construction, environmental, municipal civil servant rights, law enforcement rights, legal liability and, of course, municipal by-laws.
Attention is paid to laws singular to individual regions in Germany and users learn how legal matters in different territories assume different forms. A must for municipal lawyers and legal counsels working for municipally-owned corporations.
Form Books
In addition to an elaborate library of form books for contracts and civil procedures, users have access to commentaries on numerous form books: contracts for the Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act and civil procedures; Tenancy Rights; Act on the Ownership of Apartments and the Permanent Residential Right; Family Law; Inheritance Law; Traffic Law; Administrative Law; Immigration Law and Right of Asylum.
All specimen documents can be conveniently copied into any legal document the user is preparing and edited directly. An imperative tool for every lawyer and law firm.
This module contains numerous commentaries on Administrative Law, covering such typical fields as Construction Law, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Immigration Law, Traffic Law, Social Law and the Act on Regulatory Offences (OWIG). The monthly journal, KommunalJurist (in German, Nomos Publishing) updates municipal lawyers on topical developments in their field.
Start Your Free TrialAdministrative
Comprising the defining commentaries on the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (VwGO) and the Administrative Procedures Act (VwVfG) as well as the corresponding form book and handbook, in this module on Administrative Law, no question remains unanswered.
Further commentaries and handbooks on European Union Law and specific questions on procedures complete the range of resources available.
This module is ideal for lawyers, syndics, lobbyists, judges, government authorities, municipal agencies and educational institutions.
German Federal Law
The full-length transcript of the German Federal Law, including the Parliamentary Archives. Users of this module are aided by helpful guidelines and commentaries in their navigation and comprehension of the German Federal Law. A requisite for every law firm, government administration, corporation and courtroom.
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