Publishing Guidelines
Publishing Guidelines
About Us
Nomos Publishing is one of the leading German-language academic publishers in Law, Social Sciences and the Arts and Humanities. Together with its imprints, Academia Verlag, Ergon Verlag, Verlag Karl-Alber, Georg Olms Verlag, Rombach Wissenschaft, Tectum Verlag, Nomos publishes over 1000 titles annually. The publishing programme at Nomos covers the entire scope of legal scholarship; this includes handbooks, academic journals, edited collections, textbooks, practitioner works and commentaries. Equally, Nomos has an extensive publishing programme dedicated to Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Nomos is committed to publishing academic literature of the highest calibre. Titles published by Nomos have been recognised by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as invaluable for academics and scholars alike. Under the Allianz Licence, Nomos eLibrary receives sponsorship to make its titles accessible to libraries and research institutions. Nomos Publishing is regularly ranked highly as an academic publisher and is also featured in the internationally-renowned SENSE ranking.
Review Procedures
All our academic titles undergo a rigorous review process. Dissertations and theses must be evaluated with very good grades in order to be published by Nomos. In addition, most of our books appear in series edited by renowned scholars. The editors of the series are responsible for the overall concept and structure of the series and review the manuscript submissions. To ensure that the published contributions meet the required standards of quality, the series editors may forward the contributions to external reviewers, who are experts in their respective fields. The editors ascertain that these reviewers are unbiased and qualified. The final decision to publish a manuscript always rests with our editors, who usually hold an academic qualification in their respective field.
Our editing processes and review guidelines are transparent for authors and reviewers. We are committed to building and maintaining long-term relationships with our authors and editors. We strive to resolve conflicts of interest or such problems immediately, should any arise.
Rules of Good Scientific Practice
Good academic practice decrees compliance with ethical behaviour and responsibility as an academic author. This includes intellectual honesty and research integrity. As such, our publishing agreement obliges each author to adhere to the regulations and guidelines of their academic institution. Plagiarism is not tolerated at Nomos Publishing and any hint of plagiarism will result in the rejection of the submission in question. If plagiarism is discovered post-publication, we shall halt distribution with immediate effect until the question of authorship has been resolved.
We protect the copyrights of our authors. Further information may be found here. Details regarding our journal authors’ rights to self-archiving can be found on the open policy finder website (formerly known as Sherpa Romeo).
Free Use of Bibliographic Metadata
Nomos Publishing provides bibliographic metadata as a complimentary service for unrestricted and general use under the Creative Commons Zero licence. (See here Creative Commons — CC0 1.0 Universal for more information on Creative Commons). Users may obtain bibliographic metadata through various channels and in different formats, including ONIX, MARC21 and KBART. By making metadata freely available for unrestricted reuse, Nomos would like to support the concept of a freely accessible “Web of Data” and contribute to the global visibility of its peer-reviewed academic content. This is of particular benefit to our library partners, who may then legally and securely import the metadata into their catalogues, enrich the metadata and, in turn, make it available on other applications. In very rare cases, we have marked out metadata records which are not available in the public domain.
Long-Term Archiving
For the permanent availability of our electronic works, we archive our works together with Portico.
Advertising Policy
We ensure a clearly labelled differentiation between editorial and advertorial content in our products.
Publication of advertisements is solely based upon the publisher’s judgement and is independent of any editorial decision. We only accept orders from advertising customers if the ads are of interest to our target audiences. Advertisements are identical between the print and online editions of our journals. For technical reasons, some advertisements published in the print editions are omitted in the online editions.
In accordance with our ethical principles, we reserve the right to reject advertising orders – including individual call-offs as part of a contract – and journal supplement orders, on the grounds of their content, origin, or technical form, even if the order has been placed with external offices, service points, or sales representatives.
We reserve the right to reject advertising orders even if they have already been confirmed as legally binding, if their content violates the law, official regulations, or common decency.
Orders for journal supplements are only binding after a sample of the supplement has been submitted and approved by us. Supplements which, due to their format or layout, give the reader the impression that they are part of the magazine or journal they are included in, or which contain third-party advertisements, will not be accepted. The customer will be informed immediately if an order is rejected.
Data Protection
Our data protection officer ensures that sensitive data is handled in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.
Professional Memberships
We are members of various guilds and associations such as the GeSIG Netzwerk Fachinformation e.V. and the German Publishers and Booksellers Association (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels).
For further information about publishing with Nomos, please consult the page Academic Publishing.