Sanctioning of Alcohol and Cannabis


Sanctioning of Alcohol and Cannabis

A Comparative Criminological and Normative Analysis

In October last year, Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach presented a key points paper for a draft law on the legalization of cannabis.

Against the background of the current debate on cannabis legalization, we recommend the book “Die Sanktionierung des Umgangs mit Alkohol und Cannabis” (The Sanctioning of the Handling of Alcohol and Cannabis) by Dr. Franziska Maubach, which was published in February and is hot off the press.

The thesis subjects the use of alcohol and cannabis to a comparative criminological and normative examination. The criminological study analyzes empirical findings on the extent and effects of the consumption of alcohol and cannabis. The normative analysis examines the various (mainly criminal) regulations on the consumption of or dealing with the substances for similarities and differences in the legal treatment of alcohol on the one hand and cannabis on the other. The results found are then examined for their criminological-scientific justification against the background of empirical findings. Any discrepancies that are identified form the basis for considerations de lege ferenda.